Dosing technology in medical devices

Melanie HinterederAllgemein

preeflow eco-DUO Dispenser im Einsatz

Exact and process reliable dosing with the 2K dispensers eco-DUO of preeflow convinced A.L. Electronics Engineering & Production Services Ltd. The electronics manufacturer from Yehud is served directly on-site by the Israeli preeflow distributor.

With the precision dosing equipment of preeflow by ViscoTec – the specialist in dosing technology – components for medical devices are produced. A two-component adhesive is applied with the eco-DUO to seal electrodes in a fully-automated process. The finished end products in which the electrodes will be incorporated are used in cancer therapies.

In a video Orly Becker, Chief Technology Leader at A.L Electronics, introduces the process and with this the success story oft he preeflow dispenser (made by ViscoTec):


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